The year 2020 began with Brexit, as the United Kingdom ceased to be a part of the EU. Businesses across the UK (and Europe) now need to grapple with the upcoming changes brought on by this event. By March 2020 the Brexit topic was pushed backstage with the news of global pandemic COVID-19. As businesses and organisations continue to cope with both these events and the upcoming effects on the economy, it is becoming more evident that automation is the key to sustain and manage businesses in the post-Brexit era, post-pandemic era.
Over the past few years, it has been clear that businesses, especially government agencies need to adopt automation of their processes to keep up in the digital era. Information and data are the most important currency for any organisation and having smooth data and workflow systems result in increased efficiency, productivity and cost savings as well as creating a future-ready organisation. The current pandemic scenario provides further affirmation, where remote-working employees are relying heavily on digital systems to ensure business continuity.
The transition phase, ideal for change
With the transition brought on by Brexit, and the rapidly shifting business dynamics brought on by the pandemic, organisations in the UK and Europe are trying to find ways to establish the new order. The right automation decisions at this point will set your organisation on path of becoming a more agile, evolved business prepared to thrive in the ever-changing digital age.
Business process automation is getting more traction due to restrictions brought on by Brexit as well as the impact of COVID-19 on business organisations. As the cost of resources goes up due to the restrictions, it would be easier, faster and more cost efficient to automate systems and create programs that do the job.
For most organisations, automation begins in the non-core but crucial systems. Take an example of the mailroom that handles your post and parcels, initiating workflow automation in this department can not only transform your information management systems but also save you large sums. Exela’s Digital Mail centres in the UK are helping the Government to deliver Digital Transformation across a range of citizen services. Today, more businesses are realising the need to digitise and prepare for eventualities such as COVID-19.
Document digitisation and automation in the mailroom
Papers, forms, letters, claims, reports, receipts, manuals and more; every government or public
office deals with thousands of documents every single day. The UK customs office currently handles 55 million declarations annually, it is estimated that post Brexit this number will rise to 255 million annually. That’s an increase of more than 363% in the number of documents to be managed. There is no doubt that automation is the only way forward.
With mailroom automation, the post and paper (or any kind of document) can be digitised, sorted, indexed and made searchable to ensure swift workflow. It can also be delivered to the right person or department to enable quick decision making and information gathering.
Creating data streams for information management
The digitised, searchable and accessible data powers all the information systems within your organisation. But it’s not just about the data captured from paper. Data across web portals, interfaces and online data feeds into the information systems creating data repositories that become the hub of business intelligence and business insights. These insights can bring about a radical change in how you address customer and public queries or handle their requirements. With the right data you keep a finger on the pulse of your organisation.
The Brexit-COVID aftereffects
One of the biggest changes that Brexit brings will affect the workforce. The regulations and point based immigration systems mean that businesses that need blue collar workers will have to pursue other options. Yes, the rules will be modified eventually (maybe in 2 to 3 years) but usually the business need is immediate, and the solution the businesses decide on now, should be long term.
Here’s how automation can resolve this. For every mailroom operation handled by 10 people, Exela’s Digital Mailroom, with its software driven robots, programmes and knowledge workers can manage the operations with 6 people, which can be further optimised. The other solution is to completely outsource the incoming documents to our facilities across the UK, EU or the rest of the world. With the right decisions, organisations can free up space, create smooth workflows, build efficient information streams and save significant costs, time and effort. In the current scenario, with employees working from remote locations, a solution such as Digital Mailroom with its digital delivery of paper mail is becoming crucial for businesses that receive time-sensitive important documents including payments and payment advices through the mail.
Opportunity beyond Brexit
The government has called out for innovation as a solution to managing the workforce issues. Mailroom automation is a small part of what a business process automation company such as Exela can do. Our software and services provide a range of solutions that can transform departments and businesses across various industries. Through technology platforms and automation modules, Exela rapidly deploys integrated technology and operations as an end-to-end digital journey partner.
The story we’ve been telling for years now resonates deeply with what is being said by the UK government. This historic turn of events doesn’t stop with the government, it’s also an important point of decision for businesses and organisations. And what you decide today will alter the future of your organisation.
To stay ahead of the Brexit aftermath and to know more how we can drive your business transformation get in touch with our team today.
01279 645000
This article was originally published on Government Business